Apostolates at St. Timothy's Ordinariate
OCIA, which stands for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, provides those seeking to learn more about the Catholic Church or enter the Catholic Church with an opportunity to study the faith with an experienced guide. If you are interested in learning more about OCIA, or would like to become a member of the Church, please click here and fill out the enquiry form.
Saint Therese of Lisieux Flower Guild
The Saint Therese of Lisieux Flower Guild is a new apostolate at Saint Timothy's. Working with the Parochial Administrator and following liturgical law, this group enhances liturgical activities through dignified and fitting décor. Their goal is to elevate worship experiences through beautiful floral arrangements and church decorations, honoring Saint Therese's devotion to simplicity and faith.
Altar Servers
Altar servers play a crucial role in Catholic worship, assisting priests to make services more reverent, efficient, and beautiful. This important ministry is open to baptized males who have received their first holy Eucharist. Servers participate in the holiest and most sacred events of Catholic worship. If interested in joining this ministry, please complete the form below.
Sunday Reader
Sunday Readers are fully initiated Catholic men and women called to proclaim God's Word. They prepare through prayer and practice to deliver Scripture clearly and authentically. As stated in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, Sunday Readers should be "truly suited" and "carefully prepared" for this role, helping the faithful develop a deep affection for Sacred Scripture.
Meal Train
Saint Timothy's Meal Train apostolate supports parish members experiencing significant life events such as surgeries, births, or deaths in the family. Inspired by other local parishes, this ministry allows us to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community. If you or someone you know could benefit from this service, please contact mealtrain@sttimsocsp.cc.
Join Our Church
If you’re ready to take the next step toward Our Lord, please prayerfully consider becoming a member at Saint Timothy’s Ordinariate Catholic Church, or if you still have questions, contact us.